HIV Prevention Activities Targeting Youths with Disabilities in and Out of Schools
KIDSEG engages youths with disabilities in and out of school in various HIV prevention activities specifically targeting youths with disabilities both in school and community settings. Despite the increased vulnerability of individuals with disabilities to HIV infection, there is often a lack of tailored programs addressing their unique needs. KIDSEG capitalizes on existing initiatives, identifies gaps, and offers recommendations for more effective interventions. Youths with disabilities face significant barriers to accessing HIV prevention, education, and care services. Social stigma, lack of awareness, inadequate resources, and inaccessible information contribute to their increased vulnerability. KIDSEG projects therefore aims to assess the current landscape of HIV prevention activities targeting this population and put down strategies for improvement.
Current HIV Prevention Activities
10,000+ male and female condoms distributed
10,000+ young people reached through behaviour change communication messages
300+ young people with disabilities trained as peer educators
300+ young people counselled and tested for HIV and referrals made where needed